Dial 9-1-1 for Police, Fire, and Medical Emergencies
Airport Terminal
Office: (231) 634-7052; Lobby: (231) 634-7061
email: bbiair1101@gmail.com
Owner: Bois Blanc Island Township
Box 898, Bois Blanc Island, MI 49775 (231) 634-7275
Airport Manager: Chris Viers (812) 320-0792
Grounds and Equipment Maintenance: Phil Radala (269) 599-0421
Snowplowing: Brent Sharpe (231) 420-1115
Emergency Procedures/ Contacts
BBI Law/Fire/EMS 9-1-1
Non-Emergency BBI Sheriff 231-838-9265
Cheboygan State Police 989-732-5141
St. Ignace State Police 906-643-8383
Mackinac County Sheriff 231-643-1911
Cheboygan Hospital 231-627-7118
St. Ignace Hospital 906-643-8585
Flight Service 800-992-7433
Michigan Aeronautics 517-335-9283
FAA Weather 800-992-7433
FAA NOTAM 877-487-6867
FAA Alpena 989-354-6486
FAA Mechanic – Paul Fullerton 906-643-7327
Alpena – ATCT 989-354-6276
Electric Utility – PIE&G 800-423-6634
TDS Telephone 866-571-6662